dont touch or change anything!
dont touch or change anything!
I can assure you that won't happen ;)
can I have a slice?
Sorry for my lack of education;
NO! only if you say please
(edit) you are forgiven, have a slice my son
old how much?3-6 years?
just 1, but I also started making art like a year ago, sooo I think he was like my second drawing
I finished the painting having a premonition that something bad is going to happen soon. i had this weird feeling in my guts, i felt really sick that day. My premonition turned true and something bad and really unexpected happened... i tried to convey that feeling in the last steps of my painting. It looked quite different before but i just had the urge to do so.
Kupo is his name?
Kupo, Matt and so on
(I dunno if you meant the cat, whom's called NoLegs)
YEEY, I didnt know this existed
Neither did I!
Hola!CarĂsimo senhor
This is just a little place where I put my arts
What abaut me?I am not talk so much in public,but I think I could say I am catholic,a guy who really likes arts,history.Always trying to improve
How I could forgot,Rabbits,foxes and cats!!
discord: .mrdanilo
just hobby
Joined on 1/9/22