Tower animes
Tower animes
Good cato,I dont know him but I consider him very
sweet cat!
So delicate :3
Awwww,thats sweet!
Shooting a demon or beating one?
Anyway, I liked the way you used colors
Many thankers <3
Don't remember which artwork inspired me exactly but I it also used the same 3 color rule.
Alt f4
Now you're dead >:)
Carolina or Amélia (ㅇㅅㅇ)
I like Amelia actually!
the destiny of the hunt is to become the hunter
New creepypasta, when will the text come out?
no please dont
dont make bubsy.exe a real thing i beg of you
aka,cute :3
This is just a little place where I put my arts
What abaut me?I am not talk so much in public,but I think I could say I am catholic,a guy who really likes arts,history.Always trying to improve
How I could forgot,Rabbits,foxes and cats!!
discord: .mrdanilo
just hobby
Joined on 1/9/22